This blog is the ONS (Open Notebook Science) record for the work that I personally perform in the lab. It is posted informally and without peer review. Please feel free to comment and contact me at if there is something you're interested in. You can learn more about the lab on our wiki page ( Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

LVS titer plate on CHOC II agar after 48 hr
(from 11/14/14 Bd injections of Ft LVS)

There were several deaths in Francisella groups. Data will be recorded one my Onedrive file here.
After 24 hours the E.coli spot-titer plates could be read, and all the Francisella plates were read after 48 hours to determine the CFU/dose of each injection group.

E.coli DH5alpha titer plate on LB after 24hr

Roaches contained in petri plates


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting!
    (I haven't commented in a while, so letting you know that I'm still here)
